I just purchased the A-12 off of Simmarket and I am getting very horrible, unplayable frame rates in the A-12 cockpit. The exterior of the aircraft is fine and gets normal frame rates and so does all my other planes, but just the cockpit of this aircraft is getting terrible frame rates.
Bad frame rates
Moderators:DBushell, fsafranek, admin
Re: Bad frame rates
Apologies for the slow reply, it's a little quiet round here while I beaver away on projects.
Which game are you using it in? FSX or P3D, if P3D which version?
I have quite an old system here, about 9 years old with an old i7 920 with windows 10 and do not get awful frame rates in the cockpit. But there must be something going on for you to get that - I assume you've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the A-12?
Let me know.
Apologies for the slow reply, it's a little quiet round here while I beaver away on projects.
Which game are you using it in? FSX or P3D, if P3D which version?
I have quite an old system here, about 9 years old with an old i7 920 with windows 10 and do not get awful frame rates in the cockpit. But there must be something going on for you to get that - I assume you've tried uninstalling and reinstalling the A-12?
Let me know.