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RFN Carrier Gauge 4.40 -- CVN-65 now works in P3Dv4 100%

Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 6:32 pm
by fsafranek
The Royal French Navy group have updated their RFN Carrier gauge to work with Prepar3d V4. The version included in the Enterprise package is v3.0 (32-bit).

To use the new version and make the Team SDB CVN-65 Enterprise package work in the 64-bit environment of P3D v4 is easy to do.

Please note that the file structure has changed for both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions with this update so be sure to read the manual. Actual use of the gauge features will not be covered in this post,
only how to get it working so that the Advanced features of the Enterprise package work again. Despite our having helped translate the French language manual to English, gauge use should be discussed
in other forums such as sim-outhouse, pilote-virtuel, avsim, flightsim, simviation, etc.


Download the zip installation file from here: ... ns.htm#Gau.
Select the version for 64-bit. ;-)

If you want to use the entire gauge (who wouldn't -- it's awesome) follow the included install instructions to the letter. Installation has changed from the previous 32-bit FSX versions.

If you have already used the gauge in FSX and have added your own ships, FLCP, or GOTO spots or have used the built-in ability to customize all settings then you will need to manually update the
RFN_Carrier.xml and RFN_Parameters.xml files in this new version. These two files are now located in a "\gauges\RFN_Resources" folder. The sound files have also been moved to a "\gauges\RFN_Sounds" folder.

If you only want the Advanced features of the Enterprise package to work then you don't need to install the gauge, just the files. But they do still need to be loaded by the panel.cfg of
whatever aircraft you are using.

At the end of the [Vcockpit01] section of "panel.cfg" add these lines:

Code: Select all

//-------------Gauge Carrier Operations-------------------  
gauge81=RFN_CarrierGauge_64!TACAN_Navigation, 0, 0, 0, 0, Nav2
gauge82=RFN_CarrierGauge_64!CustomCatapult, 0, 0,
gauge83=RFN_CarrierGauge_64!Approach_Ctrl, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0
// Change Nav2 to Nav1 in the gauge81 line above to use NAV1.
// To activate the white lights power calling, modify the last criteria (0.0) in line 83 (See Section 4-7 for more info).
That's it. There isn't much else to add except that the frequencies for the Enterprise have changed from what they were originally.

USS Enterprise CVN65 (82-83 cruise): was 115.00 MHz. Now use 110.50 MHz

USS Enterprise CVN65 (82-83 cruise) Empty Deck: was 115.50 MHz. Now use 110.55 MHz

USS Enterprise CVN65 (88-89 cruise): was 116.00 MHz. Now use 110.60 MHz

USS Enterprise CVN65 (88-89 cruise) Empty Deck: was 116.50 MHz. Now use 110.65 MHz
RFN_v4-40_in P3Dv4.jpg
RFN_v4-40_in P3Dv4.jpg (136.26KiB)Viewed 9012 times

Re: RFN Carrier Gauge 4.40 -- CVN-65 now works in P3Dv4 100%

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:25 am
by retnavycpo
Is there a updated manual for P3DV4? Aside from the frequency changes, is there information on how to activate elevators, etc....? Thanks, Pete

Re: RFN Carrier Gauge 4.40 -- CVN-65 now works in P3Dv4 100%

Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 2:26 am
by fsafranek
retnavycpo wrote:Is there a updated manual for P3DV4? Aside from the frequency changes, is there information on how to activate elevators, etc....? Thanks, Pete
There are no working elevators on this model. The RFN Carrier gauge can be used for some animations but these are limited to the RFN's own carrier, the PAN Charles de Gaulle.

The Advanced features discussed in the original manual now work again in P3Dv4 thanks to an update of the RFN Carrier gauge to 64-bit compatibility.

Re: RFN Carrier Gauge 4.40 -- CVN-65 now works in P3Dv4 100%

Posted: Mon Jul 23, 2018 5:07 am
by fsafranek
Just a follow-on note since it has been asked on our Facebook page a couple of times this month. By the way, we do not provide technical support on our Facebook page so please don't be offended when we tell you to come over here.

Until our installer is refreshed with a Prepar3D v4 specific update, you can still use the current installer (FSX, FSX-SE, P3D v1-3) to install to Prepar3d v4.

1) On the "Version" page of the installer select "SDB CVN-65 Prepar3D v3".

2) On the "Directory" page of the installer edit the directory path to point to Prepar3D v4 or click the navigate button (three dots) and browse to the root of Prepar3D v4.
It is probably something like "C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4". Click Next and let the installer do it's thing.

3) After the installation is complete a second installer, for the included flights, will launch. On the "Version" page select "P3D v3".

4) On the "Directory" page that follows edit the path to point to where the Saved P3D v4 flights are located. It should be something like, "C:\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Files".
Click Next and proceed with the installation.

That's it. Wishing you calm seas and good traps.