Can I use both the old and new Enterprise packages?

Scenery design for Flight Simulator series from Team SDB

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Joined:Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:40 am
Can I use both the old and new Enterprise packages?

Post by CaptHunt » Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:02 am

I have had the old early/late 80s Enterprise scenery for a while, and I'm thinking about buying the new "Final Cruises" version. How well do the two play together?
  • Will the old carrier still work?
  • The store page says it includes traffic files for Virginia and the Persian Gulf, will those replace the old traffic files for those areas, or will I just see both of the carriers?
  • Will the old carrier gain any of the new functionality?

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Re: Can I use both the old and new Enterprise packages?

Post by fsafranek » Fri Feb 07, 2020 2:47 am

They work fne together. That's how they have been on my system throughout development of the second version going back to 2018.

The new traffic files do not replace the originals. The only weird thing is near NAS Oceana one of the original traffic patterns is very close to one of the new ones and it looks weird to see two Enterprises when they only built one. Call it a "Glitch in the Matrix" if you see it.

The original carrier does not gain any new features except benefit of having the RFN gauge visible. There have been improvements within the gauge since the original in 2012 so you have the Long Range Lineup System (LRLS), a GOTO feature to position your aircraft in one of four deck locations, the forward mast has dynamic lighting in P3Dv4 (a happy accident), and there is catapult steam in P3Dv4. But no other features to the original ship itself.

I would recommend using the RFN gauge from the new carrier package. It is now v5 and in the original package it was v3.
Do note that the frequencies for the original Enterprise in the RFN gauge have changed from what they were originally.
USS Enterprise CVN65 (82-83 cruise): was 115.00 MHz. Now use 110.50 MHz
USS Enterprise CVN65 (82-83 cruise) Empty Deck: was 115.50 MHz. Now use 110.55 MHz
USS Enterprise CVN65 (88-89 cruise): was 116.00 MHz. Now use 110.60 MHz
USS Enterprise CVN65 (88-89 cruise) Empty Deck: was 116.50 MHz. Now use 110.65 MHz

If you are using Prepar3Dv4, here are a couple links to threads I wrote on improving the original with a 64-bit sim.

In Prepar3D v5 there are issues with the lighting in the new Enterprise. That will be sorted eventually, probably when we start work on the Vietnam Era version again.

Joined:Wed Feb 21, 2018 2:40 am

Re: Can I use both the old and new Enterprise packages?

Post by CaptHunt » Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:16 am

cool, I'm definitely going to have to check that out.

Joined:Tue Jan 10, 2012 12:37 am
Location:Sunny Southern California

Re: Can I use both the old and new Enterprise packages?

Post by fsafranek » Sun Jun 14, 2020 6:50 pm

An image used in answering another question regarding wakes in P3Dv5 is below. You can see here that both versions can co-exist in the same sim at the same time.
Historically it isn't accurate at all since they only built one but we have encountered it by accident when testing ship traffic files in the same region.
But yes, they do not interfere with each other at all and even the installer for the latest version was tweaked so as not to accidently remove any shared files.
Original (F-14s) is on the left with default wake and latest (F/A-18s) is on the right with our wake.
CVN-65_P3Dv5_wakes.jpg (100.98KiB)Viewed 5403 times

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