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Carrier not present in RFN Gauge V5

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2020 10:47 pm
by rnurse

I can't get the carrier to show in the GOTO window of RFN Gauge.

I run P3D V4. I installed the carrier in the addons folder, and said 'Yes' to enable it on startup. I installed the RFN gauge in my aircraft. The only concern is that in the VC Section, I put the RFN 'VC Cockpit to 32, and not 01, which is the instruction. But I placed this in the 1 position in anoter aircraft and it still didn't work.

Now I am set up at KNTU, I have boat traffuc thigher than 0. RFN gauge does not find the carrier.

Any advice? I followed the trouble shooting section in the manual. And I eve reinstalled the RFN gauge.

Re: Carrier not present in RFN Gauge V5

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2020 4:42 am
by fsafranek
Thanks for purchasing the product.

You didn't say whether you were running the latest version (Final Cruises -- F/A-18s) or the previous 1980's release (F-14s) but I'm going to assume the latest version.

The first thing I would do is put the gauge exactly where the instructions say to put it -- Vcockpit01 -- just one time to make sure it works.
Once it has been proven to work then you can move it around and hopefully it will still work.
The reason for putting it in [Vcockpit01] is so that the first time you go to a virtual cockpit view it will be loaded into memory.
Anywhere else and it might not get completely loaded, especially way out at [Vcockpit32]. Please see page 11 of the User Notes.
Also make sure you are using the "RFN_CarrierGauge64" version of the gauge (as opposed to the 32-bit version) as described on page 11.

Once you've done that put your aircraft at NAS Oceana (KNTU) again and there should be one example of each carrier out there somewhere typically within 50 miles of you.
Tune the gauge to any frequency mentioned on page 8 of the User Notes and you should get a yellow/green message across the top of the screen saying you are tuned in.
From there you can select the GOTO function on the gauge and put yourself on the deck.

One note after reading your message again. The ships should be under Simobjects/Boats and not some addons folder.
Unless you are referring to the Documents/Prepar3D v4 Add-ons folder. Please be very specific.

Let me know how this works for you.