Scenery Activation in FSX / FSX-SE in Win 10 / 8 / 7

Scenery design for Flight Simulator series from Team SDB

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Scenery Activation in FSX / FSX-SE in Win 10 / 8 / 7

Post by fsafranek » Fri Nov 21, 2014 10:17 pm

Scenery Activation for Windows 10 / 8 / 7 is not as straight forward as WinXP and Vista. These step by step instructions should make it easy and get you back in the game with your new scenery quicker.

These first 5 steps are the same for all versions of Windows.

1. Click to the "Settings" link in the Start Page of FSX/FSX-SE.

2. Click on the "Scenery Library" button under "Scenery".
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3. Click on the "Add Area…" button.
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4. Use the Browser window that comes up to locate the "Addon Scenery" folder.
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5. Then locate and highlight the folder for the scenery you wish to activate.
In this example "RAF Scampton Dambusters FSXA (SDB)".
Click on the "OK" button.

6. If you were in Windows XP or Vista you would now click on the "OK" button at the bottom of "Settings-Scenery Library" page and be finished.
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With Windows 10 / 8 / 7 the add-on scenery Directory path that you have selected will not be added; instead the browser window will advance inside the directory.

7. To add the scenery LEFT click on any blank space inside the folder view (the light green area in the image below), and the window should close.
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8. You should now see the add-on scenery listed in the scenery library.

9. Click on "OK" button at the bottom of "Settings-Scenery Library" page.
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That's it!
